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What sort of things do we Support?


Ideally we like our support and our funding to go toward a defined outcome, a project, an event, equipment or service. Something that enables you, and us, to see that our donation has made a tangible difference to what you do.  


The project or activity must benefit children up to the age of 18 years in the County of Surrey.


An example of a project would be the refurbishment of a playroom, or perhaps the fitting out of a kitchen at a facility that provides support for children in line with our Charter.

Support for an event might be something like providing the funds for a Christmas party or for an educational trip.  


We tend, and prefer, to support smaller local Charities and not the larger National Charities that have their own major fund raising operations.


Donations can be one-off, agreed in stages, or can be for a defined number of years; typically not more than three years with each years additional funding being dependant upon  satisfactory progress.


The size of donation varies but usually will not exceed £10,000 in any one year.


It is perhaps also useful to set out where we tend not to provide support.


Clearly an application needs to meet the aims of our Charter as closely as possible. We do not provide 'bail out' funding for Charities that have got into financial difficulty and are looking to plug a gap in their funding. We also do not provide funding simply to go into a general pot where its ultimate use is unclear. 


If in any doubt about the relevance of your application then do contact us as.





St Faith's Trust have supported the Youthscheme Summer Programme run by Challengers at their Farnham Centre.

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